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Post  Guest Wed 29 Jan 2014, 13:43

Is a False Flag Bioterror Event In Our Immediate Future?

January 24, 2014 - Conspiracy, Featured, Main - Tagged: bioterror, dave hodges, false flag, FEMA, genocide, new world order, revolution tv show, the common sense show, war

Dave Hodges

January 24, 2014

The Common Sense Show



Please allow me to express a high degree of naiveté in order to set the contextual background for this article. We live in a country which is bound by the rule of law. Our Constitution is immutable.

Unlike our European allies who grant civil liberties so long as it is in the common, or the “greater good” (i.e. Communitarian law), our Constitution protects its civil liberties above all else. With this being said, can someone please explain to me why the following law, that allows dangerous government experimentation on unsuspecting individuals, is allowed to  be a part of the American legal landscape?

   USC 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520

   (a) Prohibited activities The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)— (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects. (b)Exceptions Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:

   (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.

   (2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals orbiological weapons and agents.

   (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control. (c) Informed consent required The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject. (Editor’s Note: Please take careful note of paragraph b and b(1) which allows for no informed consent for the victim of government testing).

   (d) Prior notice to Congress Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees. (e) “Biological agent” defined In this section, the term “biological agent” means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing— (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;

   (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or

   (3) deleterious alteration of the environment.

At first glance, this law appears to protect the average citizen from unwarranted and dangerous testing by the federal government. However, upon closer examination, a blind man could see that this law has more holes in its protections than does Swiss cheese.
Abuse of Citizens Is Becoming An American Tradition

In 2007, Texas governor Rick Perry made the vaccine, Gardasil, mandatory for all Texan schoolgirls. The vaccine is ostensibly designed to prevent the sexually transmitted cervical-cancer virus, yet even girls not sexually active are forced to take the new vaccine. Perry was forced on the defensive to defend his relationship with the vaccine’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., as he took campaign donations from the makers of the vaccine. The safety of the vaccine is also increasingly placed in questioned as hundreds have been injured and/or died from being injected with this toxin.

The point here is to ask the pertinent question as to why the government, at any level, would require such a dangerous vaccine to be mandatory? What we will never know, is if the vaccine is dangerous and we still administer the injections, is this part of some government testing program? Oh, I know, here come the comments, the government would never do this and that this is paranoid thinking and I am some government troll whose well-paid mission is to spread fear in order to upset the social order. Really? Then, please try to explain just a small sample from our well-documented past of government transgressions against its people in the name of medical and research testing by the government on its people. Finally, does USC 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520, grant Rick Perry immunity from prosecution for his bad acts?
America Has a Long History of Experimenting and Attacking Its Own People

There are literally dozens of examples for the government experimenting on its people as a matter of policy. The following two incidents sets the tone for unwarranted government abuse of its citizens.

Most people understand the evil perpetrated against the Tuskegee Airmen as they were deliberately infected with syphilis.

In 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine demanded a moratorium on genetically modified foods. The Academy’s findings stated, “GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health.” Despite this damning confirmation of GMO’s, the US government still allows Monsanto to create consumer confusion by not forcing the labeling of GMO’s and the government subsequently threatens a trade war against any country which opposes GMO’s. The MSM is strangely silent on this issue.

Because of USC 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520, he issue of a false flag attack upon millions through the Gulf Oil Spill must be now looked at in an entirely different light.
Was the Gulf Oil Spill a Deliberate Attack Upon 40 Million People?

The existence of USC 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520 casts a very serious light on the motives of the EPA and BP to use the most deadly oil dispersant on the planet in the aftermath of the Gulf Oil Explosion.

The following documentation demonstrates that the EPA knew how deadly the dispersant, Corexit is, as well as the dangers posed to the public. Yet, Corexit was used anyway.

The most damning account of the Corexit dangers posed to the Gulf comes from Hugh Kaufman, senior policy analyst at the EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response as he stated on Democracy Now that “In light of the EPA’s data, BP’s decision to use Corexit 9500 and 9527 was based solely upon an attempt to profit on the clean-up and not carry out BP’s expressed desire to clean up the Gulf Coast environment”…these dispersants were used in massive quantities, to hide the magnitude of the spill and save BP money…Both EPA, NOAA, etc, have been sock puppets for BP in this cover-up. Now, by hiding the amount of spill, BP is saving hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in fines…People who work near it (the dispersants) are hemorrhaging internally. EPA now is taking the position that they really don’t know how dangerous it is, even though if you read the label, it tells you how dangerous it is. What is that saying about swamp land in Florida?

Kim Anderson’s Oregon State University (OSU) team of researchers, investigating harmful chemicals following the Gulf event, operating under the auspices of the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences, began a test-retest comparative analysis for the carcinogenic contaminant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and its biodegradable partner, OPAHs, which appears after the application of Corexit and subsequent exposure to ultraviolet rays. Stunningly, the OSU researchers found a 40 fold increase in these carcinogenic compounds in the comparative test-retest period. The omnipresent dangers to Gulf Coast residents are self-evident in light of this research. It is noteworthy to report that the OSU researchers had the first draft of their report stolen before the results could be published.

The OSU findings replicate the conclusions of Mace Barron and Mace Barron et al regarding the toxicity of Corexit and its use in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent clean-up activities provides the only case study in the history of the United States involving significant exposure to the types of toxins discussed in this article as the result of an oil spill. Findings, related to the longevity of the Exxon Valdez clean-up workers, are very disturbing as their collective lifespan statistics revealed that the average life expectancy is a mere 51 years of age and nearly all of the Exxon Valdez clean-up workers are dead.

Award winning chemist, Dr. Wilma Subra, conducted blood tests on Gulf Coast residents who were symptomatic with new illnesses and found that some of the cancer-causing agents were 65 times the expected level in the victims blood tests. Subra noted that Corexit is in the air, the water and the Gulf residents blood.


Is a Bioterror Attack Imminent?


hospital tentsFEMA is advertising for contractors who are able to supply medical biohazard disposal capabilities, along with 40 yard dumpsters, to go with 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States.  The emergency roll-out of these services must be able to be completed within 24-48 hours.

FEMA is also seeking to obtain 200,000 doctors scrubs to be delivered to the 1,000 tent hospitals. FEMA is also ordering portable showers and toilets. Can there be any doubt that FEMA is ramping up the National Disaster Preparedness Program? The sheer numbers speaks clearly to the enormous size of the coming event.

I hearken back to the popular television show, Revolution, in which a MSM television network is prominently presenting re-education camps and a bioterror attack upon the people of the United States in order to reduce the size of the population as part of its plot in a hit TV series.

I think a good case can be made that a major bio-terror event is coming and FEMA is getting ready to control this contrived situation. Regardless, a Constitutional Republic should never tolerate a law which permits its government to conduct heinous experiments upon its citizens with impunity.

42 thoughts on “Is a False Flag Bioterror Event In Our Immediate Future?”

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   iwitness02 January 24, 2014 at 6:29 am

   Destruction Derby. We go racing around this closed track careening off one topic after the other and another. The world seems sane to me. This is normal “water cooler” conversation right? Its kind of like getting to relive the 50s. Always ready to dive and take cover.
   There is nothing worse than an unseen enemy.
   The earth is of a finite size. There are only so many that are destroying us. And then there is all the rest of us everywhere around the earth that are getting increasingly indignant about the way we are be treated, regulated, oppressed, persecuted, despised, robbed, killed, lied to, and incarcerated. I call horse shit on the whole deal.
   This is what I think is the best part; that they will literally drive us to point where we go get them. The day the tide turns and they realize that they are exposed and that the population of the whole earth hates them is going to be a lonely moment for them. Then loneliness turns to fear. Then fear realizes that there really is no where to run. Then in time compressed fashion they will experience all the horror that they have inflicted on others. And I hope a whole bunch more for interest and penalties.
   James January 24, 2014 at 6:39 am

   It looks like the only experiment is, “What kind of lethality can we obtain with this toxin/pathogen?” A more fundamental question is, “Whatever happened to the protection of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness?”
   Tony G January 24, 2014 at 7:20 am

   Unfortunately the Constitution of the United States in dead when our government is at question. If you or I find ourselves on the wrong side of it look out, we going to jail. Dave the realm of possibilities as to what can or is to happen is wide. Even some of the scenarios I heard last year and thought No Way! Hell everything is possible. Our enemy knows no boundary.
   CEO constitutional enforcement officer January 24, 2014 at 7:27 am

   Brother Dave are there any one of our supposedly elected officials standing against this horrific abuse?.,,cue the crickets please. Any media reporting this ? more crickets, any professional preachers reporting this? more crickets, church crickets the worst. Did little David say oh theres a giant lets pray and God bless, and the Lord will take care of us, yea He does when( men of God) stand for rightiousness by fighting against evil in the face of death, but since all we hear are crickets which indicates time for more sleep cause it’s getting very dark outside, yea right. Gods word teaches the light shines brighter when it’s the darkest and it’s mighty dark out there professional church, where’s all your light? oh I know it’s inside the ( church building) and thats where you will be found when the feema buses come rolling up to take ya’ll to a special safe place. It’s o k while your on your happy little road trip to never to never land , the real church will throwing a Georgia neck tie party for all the people responsible for the chemical and biological blessings they prepared to freely distribute to all the late sleepers.
   Country Codger January 24, 2014 at 8:06 am

   Hi Dave,
   I can answer your question about the law but you first must remember that the Constitution exists in a separate plane of reality. if you cannot access that plane then you cannot use the Constitution as a defense.
   Please see here: http://codgerville.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/american-dictatorship/

   I meant to post a sequel but have not done it. You have to know how to navigate around the roadblocks in order to access the Constitution. You can find the answer in Ashwander vs. TVA, I think it was a 1938 case but it is a famous case and you can find it by the name. Also, look for the entire decision not the summary.
   Good luck and God bless.
   Pingback: Is a False Flag Bioterror Event In Our Immediate Future? | RevolutionRadio.org
   R. Bradshaw January 24, 2014 at 9:20 am

   Thanks for the information about that USC 50 law that is on the books. I guess Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and the other GMO food manufacturers can now claim this law as an excuse for any harm that they are causing to the health of humanity. It also covers the tails of everyone involved in the chemtrailing program. Now we are beginning to have radioactive elements introduced more heavily into the life systems of the general population with Fukushima etc..
   They are probably going to try to say that this is all for our own “good”. All the while, I am sure that the elite have their own anecdotes to the carnage that they are raining down upon the population of the world. The only protection that we have against these maniacs is God’s spiritual hedge of protection.
   Our “first aid” is to go to God in prayer as we meditate on the promises in His Word. Our “second aid” is to have someone else pray for us. Our “third aid” is natural remedies to our health problems. The “fourth aid” that we should resort to, only if necessary, is traditional medicine. The higher powers of the world are trying their best to funnel us into their hospitals so that they can finish us all off there (problem-reaction-solution extermination).
   Dave January 24, 2014 at 9:32 am

   Hi Dave,

   In the show Revolution they are also demonizing the meaning of the word Patriot. In the plot the patriots are the bad guys. My guess is that they are programing the masses to think of patriots as evil when in real life they are in fact the good guys. Tell a lie loud and long enough and many will be confused and conned. They are also using the bio weapon to get rid of the so called undesirables.
   David January 24, 2014 at 9:54 am

   “Regardless, a Constitutional Republic should never tolerate a law which permits its government to conduct heinous experiments upon its citizens with impunity.”

   When I read something like that it makes my blood boil. Why? Because it is the height of arrogance. It’s almost like saying – “Americans are more special than any other people so therefore we are exempt from the kind of treatment that others should be made to endure.” America has been experimenting and tormenting others with weapons of mass destruction for over a hundred years. And with impunity. Early in its history America practiced bio terrorism on the native population by purposely exposing them to smallpox, to exterminate them. The American military decimated Vietnam using dioxin based defoliants which even today is responsible for tens of thousands of birth defects. And an area the size of Maryland will not sustain crops. The government and military knew exactly what Agent Orange was all about and that it would be harmful to the civilian population and its own troops. The government and the military exposed South Pacific islanders to nuclear bomb blasts and then performed experiments on them to see how radiation would affect human beings. “The Marshallese caught by fallout got 175 roentgens of radiation. These are fishing people, savages by our standards, so a cross-section was brought to Chicago for testing. The first was John, the mayor of Rongelap Atoll. John is a savage, but a happy, amenable savage.”


   That is how Americans by in large view people of other countries – as savages, subhuman, less exceptional, less deserving. The government and military has waged nuclear war and continues to do so using depleted uranium. It has waged chemical warfare and bio warfare against ‘foreigners’ for generations.

   You ask the following – “With this being said, can someone please explain to me why the following law, that allows dangerous government experimentation on unsuspecting individuals, is allowed to be a part of the American legal landscape?”

   The answer is very simple – the government of the united States including the military view people as chattel. The sooner everyone comes to grip with that fact the better off they will be. You are a revenue source, just another biological unit to be exploited. As I have noted repeatedly, if you do a word count on the constitution you would find that 95% of the words are devoted to what government can, shall and must do. 95%! That means basically the balance of power rests with government. Government is not your friend. That includes the military. If you look at the most atrocious acts in American history (other than abortion) the military has been the primary antagonist.

   Why is that law allowed to be a part of the American legal landscape? Because the supreme law of the land, the constitution, permits it to be. To paraphrase Lysander Spooner – either the constitution permits such laws to exist or is powerless to prevent them. Which demonstrates just how feckless it really is.
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   KP24 January 24, 2014 at 11:11 am

   In the old days, criminals were hung, shot, beheaded and drawn and quart-ed…..now the american people site idly by and watch them do treasonous things…

   At what point will people stand up…and say enough! I think never, the country is dead.
   People more worried over cell phones and tv than the destruction of our country…let’s face it…this country is built on others blood. Yes the land was occupied by native americans, and yes they did nothing with it. But stealing and driving them out…was in no way moral.
   Same \goes with Hawa’ii, they had a sovereign queen, yet she was locked in the palace and forced (by our congress) to relinquish the islands…Yet more land stolen by this country..

   We need to admit, this country was built by some evil people for their own gain. We will reap what they have sewn.

   Yet, this is still my country, and I am prepared to fit to save it. Though I know one day Christ will come back and none of this will matter. But while I am here, I will not sit and go quietly into the night, I will stand my ground. I will not back down to tyranny….I will take their weapons and make them my own.

   Linda Williams January 24, 2014 at 11:48 am

   Yes, the law permitting human beings to be utilized for experimentation is utterly heinous. It should be a felony to pass such a law. Failing that, anyone who does, should be required to be selected as a subject for any such experimentation. I have tried to comprehend any justification for exposing people to horrific harm so that a regime may keep up with other regimes. At the extreme limit, those who pass such laws may believe that life under certain other regimes is far worse than death and extinction.

   Could a regime justify inducting a child into the military by some relatively random process at birth and causing grievous lifelong suffering? I cannot bring myself to condone it. Because those who govern are carrying it out, the least they can do is offer some kind of extraordinary compensation, at some reasonable time, as they would to a five star general.

   When I was five years old, I discovered that I had a swastika etched on my left arm. I was utterly horrified and terrified by it, even at that age. I thought: I am a marked person. I am doomed. I knew that the Nazis had tortured and killed wantonly during the war. I did not know what they intended to do to me. I made the decision to bury this knowledge. I always strove to appreciate my circumstances and to seeks to have accomplishments. I was resilient, as was necessary, given this and many other challenges.

   Only since 2007 did I discover the many implications of this mark. I speculate that those who tried to usurp my life etched me because they had planned for mass internments in our times and did not wish to lose track of their valuable experimental subjects. Their programs are ongoing today, despite their disclaimers.

   As far as biological attacks go, it would seem to follow from the evidence above that they will be attempted. If the fine military leaders who have been taken from their posts were to confer with those who hope to remain proud Americans, I am certain that good strategies can be developed. I would think that ideally there would be not a single person present wherever an attack takes place. If there were a way to anticipate and evacuate before the fact, leaving empty tents and idle medical staff, that would be victory.
   MongoPissed January 24, 2014 at 11:55 am

   The globalist project keeps stumbling on it’s own feet, with most of the world waking up to it’s methods and goals. Nations in the EU are boycotting Israel for being racist, apartheid and murderous. As the Neocons called for a New Pearl Harbor openly in documents of the PNAC, and then gave us 9-11, they need a repeat to get the goyim back in line. The Cheney regime stole a B-52 loaded with 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles, of which 5 were recovered. We know this was real, since those associated with the event immediately started to turn up dead (such as the ground crews at Minot and Barksdale). Recently, as you reported, Obama (or someone in DC) ordered 3 nukes to be shipped to SC, which Lindsey Graham said would be nuked if we did not attack Syria.

   I don’t know what is happening in our military, but the recent turmoil and purges make another nuclear theft unlikely in the near future. I agree that bioterrorism will be the next attack, immediately blamed on Iran. A Nancy Grace newscast was faked earlier this year (I believe it was a Sandy Hook breaking news segment). She was talking to a confederate, supposedly across the country. The idiot allowed the camera to pick up the same vehicles passing in the background of both “reporters”. I believe Sandy Hook was largely a fake, and that a real attack could be minor, relying on Nancy Grace caliber hacks to amplify it into the public perception of a major attack. The elite learned the lesson from Orson Welles “War of the Worlds”, and have used the perception of terror as well as actual terror for years. Bio weapons, despite the best efforts of the Strangeloves, have remained notoriously ineffective. They would love to weaponize Ebola, but it kills too effectively, and the vectors carrying it die too soon to spread it. My personal belief is that the hand of God is involved, otherwise “no flesh would live”.

   The real bioterrorism will occur if the elite succeed in their weaponizing of the flu and it’s vaccine. Infect a few people to create the perception of a pandemic, followed by forced vaccinations (Obamacare, anyone?) with a live vaccine resulting in the death of those vaccinated. I remember SARS, which only infected Asians – even in Canada (I think this was a test of how the Zionists plan on handling the Chinese someday). Then there was Swine Flu, a mix of viruses out of Frankenstein’s lab. They keep trying. Keep your immune system strong, accept no vaccine, and pray.
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   Awake RN January 24, 2014 at 1:41 pm

   “In 2007, Texas governor Rick Perry made the vaccine, Gardasil, mandatory for all Texan schoolgirls. ”
   No he didn’t. But theyb did want you to THINK that.
   My daughter was in middle school when this started. I knew better than to have that poison injected into her so I just went online and got the exemptin form. Filled it out, showed it to the school. Boom. Done. No “mandatory” poison.
   They do not however publicize this. They will TELL you that it is mandatory, but all you have to do is get the exemption form. Texas allows for exemptions for “reasons of conscience” to any vaccine. Here’s a link to the form. fill it out and they will send you the stuff to opt out.



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