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Post  Guest Wed 22 May 2013, 13:12

Obama’s Endgame

by Dave Hodges - thecommonsenseshow.com

May 19, 2013 - Featured, Main, Martial Law, United States

Tagged: agenda 21, crony capitalism, depopulation, false flag, federal reserve, FEMA, genocide, goldman sachs, government, martial law, ndaa, police state, war - 21 comments

History demonstrates that the descent into war is preceded with a justification, real or contrived. As with all tyrants, if a legitimate justification for the impending conflict is not forthcoming, the despot, in this case Obama, will simply make one up. And the way that this objective is reached is through the creation of a false flag event.

Make no mistake about it, this is coming to America. In Part Two of this series, it was demonstrated the Federal Reserve needs to seize the Iranian oil fields in order to save the Petrodollar. This means we will be at war with Russia and probably China and India who are buying Iranian oil in gold.

sheep forwardAmerica can’t just march into Syria and then Iran and expect support from the people while risking the beginning of a catastrophic war. Rather, this administration needs a level of justification that the majority of American sheeple will support.

A Dictator’s MO

boston martial law 2I do not look for one false flag event designed to move the country into martial law, it is likely that several false flag events will take place, in different regions of the country. This will give the administration the ability to incrementally implement martial law in a fashion similar to what happened in with the implementation of illegal martial law in Boston following the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15th. The roll out of Boston’s martial law was a beta test for what is coming all across the country. And who could ever forget the images of the federal subjugation of an American city.

The last part of this series demonstrated that Obama faces five scandals which dwarfs the Watergate scandal which ended the presidency of Richard Nixon. Yet, Obama does not appear to be the least bit nervous. After reading this article, you will discover why the President is so calm and composed.

The Wheels Of Tyranny Are Turning

All the pieces needed for a tyrannical takeover of the country are presently sitting on the chessboard. Some of them are already in place. For example, we know that Boston was the blueprint for the roll out of martial law, but beyond that, nobody can say for certain what the false flag attacks will look like. If I were a betting man, I would wager that Memorial Day weekend might be a target of opportunity. However, I do not know “the what” and I do not know “the where”. I only know that if Obama does not act soon to distract the country, his presidency has a limited shelf life.

what did the president know and when did he know itObama may be able to buy some time by sacrificing Eric Holder. Yet, Obama’s people must move quickly because the media’s noose around this administrations neck is tightening quickly as the media scrutiny of his five “Watergates” is intensifying. The removal of Holder will not buy Obama much time as the Attorney General is only one degree of separation from the President. Even with Holder soon to be sacked, the public will not be totally satisfied. In the near future, we all be saying that familiar refrain from the Watergate days, “What did the President know and when did he know it?”

Soon, there will be calls for a real investigation in which the participants may be too intimated to play party politics and whitewash the investigation. The removal of the Attorney General will not get Obama past Labor Day. Therefore, Obama quickly needs the mother of all distractions.

false flag goeringOnce the false flag occurs, there will be two general camps of Americans. First, there will be the Kool-Aid drinking sheep that will endlessly watch CNN for the latest in Obama propaganda and they will gladly do as they are told so long as the government promises to protect them from the imaginary terrorists. Then there will be a second group, one that won’t easily forget about Obama’s five Watergate scandals. The latter group will have to be dealt with because some won’t be swayed by a contrived crisis and they have learned to recognize the unmistakable signs of a false flag attack.

Follow the Data

Remember, Obama’s presidency and ultimately his freedom depends on him securing Iranian oil fields. To accomplish this goal, he must defeat Russia and China while occupying first Syria and then Iran. How will Obama neutralize his political opponents? What will that look like? What will America look like?

The following paragraphs answer this question based on the data already in evidence.

When a President or Congress enact an Executive Order or a law, they do so for very specific reasons. First Bush and now Obama have prepositioned assets for a brutal martial law takeover and subsequent crackdown and it is not hard to find where the prepositioned assets are located and how they will work to save Obama’s presidency and preserve his freedom.

Some will wrongly say that Obama’s actions cannot accurately be predicted. I strongly disagree. He has left a trail of breadcrumbs right to the White House. Criminals always have a set of preplanned tools necessary to carry out their mission. Criminals leave clues and Obama is no different from any other criminal.

There are two actions that must be examined in order to accurately predict what lies ahead. First, the administration must be able to identify and then neutralize any leadership which would oppose their complete takeover. This will primarily accomplished through the National Defense Authorization Act and related legislation. Secondly, the government must exercise complete control over the people and obedience to the dictatorial authority must be tied to individual survival and this will be accomplished through Obama’s Executive Order, The National Defense Resources Preparedness Act.

Since Obama’s arrival on the scene, his administration, along with the help of Congress have enacted these two key measures which accomplishes both of the aforementioned goals.

The National Defense Authorization Act

ndaa fema campsIn any preemptive action, the command and control structure of the enemy must be neutralized.

This act means that key people, media figures and contrarians in Congress, such as Rand Paul, must be arrested, for the people cannot be given a chance to galvanize around a proven set of leaders.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) permits the government to arrest the dissident leadership without any due process of law.

A Sign of Things to Come

A Sign of Things to Come

The NDAA is the establishment of a secret police force which has the power of the KGB, the Gestapo and the East German Stasi all rolled into one. When one examines the fact that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers, the NDAA suddenly make much more sense. It is now apparent that the DHS does not exist to protect the American people from terrorists. DHS serves to subjugate Americans and to act as the vanguard of a martial law police force.And make no mistake about it, Boston was a beta test for what is coming to the rest of the country.

The Russian Foreign Ministry End Game Report & PDD-51

fema home away from homeHistorical support for the roll out of martial law under the NDAA comes from a shocking 2009 Russian Foreign Ministry report which states that President Obama has secretly ordered the immediate opening of America’s gulag type of FEMA concentration camps in order to house 775,000 Americans deemed to be terrorists by the Obama administration. Maybe this is why Jesse Ventura’s FEMA Camp special on his former TRU-TV Conspiracy Theory show met with so much censorship and resistance from the establishment.

fema gestapoFurther support comes from Presidential Decision Directive 51 handed President Obama dictator status in times of declared, and not necessarily real, national emergency. PDD 51 is a Bush era executive order that gives the President dictatorial power in times of national emergency, eliminates any roadblock to declaring martial law in the United States. It gives Obama the power to suspend elections. This is why I speculated in Part Two that Obama will not leave office in 2016. This act also gives Obama the power to launch all-out war based on his own authority.

The MIAC Report has identified gun owners, Libertarians, Constitutionalists and Veterans as domestic terrorists. Recently, DHS added Christians to this list as well.

The National Defense Resource Preparedness Act

nat def resources preparedness actThe descent into total and abject tyranny is almost complete. With President Obama’s latest executive order, THE NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS ACT, he has granted himself the authority to declare peacetime martial law. This Executive Order is posted on the WhiteHouse.gov web site.

This act will eliminate any opposition to the coming World War. It will also usher in many desired globalist transformations such as cap and trade, the elimination of private property, the elimination of all civil liberties and a whole host of Agenda 21 provisions.

The Elimination of Private Property


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