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PASSOVER LAMB NOT EASTER BUNNY EmptySun 29 Aug 2021, 22:15 by Jude


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Post  Guest Sat 07 Apr 2012, 11:24

Passover Lamb

NOT Easter bunny.

by JAH

Why is there an Easter & what does it mean?

Why did Christ have to be crucified?

THE PASSOVER - 1500 B.C.- foreshadowing the Second Passover.

The Israelites were in Egypt, in slavery, under the rule and laws of evil men. The word British is Hebrew and means the "People of the Covenant"; that means, the "People Israel of the Covenant".

The Passover was where the "angel of death" passed over the houses of the Israelites and killed the first-born of Egypt, from EVERY household including the pharaoh's (the king). It foreshadows the Second Passover because a lamb was sacrificed and its blood used to paint around the door of every Israelite house, to save them from death, just as the death of THE "Lamb of God" - Jesus and His blood, saved the entire nation from death at Passover, 1500 years later.

The Passover and the lamb's blood was the thing, that brought about, the end of 400 years of slavery and oppression, under the rules and laws of man, to FREEDOM under the Rule of God; His Laws and Economics, given to Moses and the British (Israel) people at Sinai.

THE SECOND PASSOVER - Wednesday 21 st April, 34 A.D. - NOT Easter of 33 AD.

It was the Second Passover because the "Lamb" died, instead of the entire nation, who were under "The Curse of The Law". What curse and why? The Law was not a curse but a blessing, to all those who kept it (God's Law, not man's) and was a "school-teacher to bring men to Christ" - the Head-"Master".

So what was this Curse of The Law, that had condemned the entire nation to death?

As the British (Israel) left Egypt and slavery, hoping to never become slaves again - "Rule Britannia" (think about the words - you all know them) - they swore that they would never kneel to any man, EVER again, only to God Who had given them freedom from the rule of evil men. BUT, a human's word and memory is cheap and short.

At Sinai, in Horeb, Moses was given God's Laws; Statutes; Judgements; Agricultural and Economic Policies, so that the British (Israel) could live in prosperity and freedom, from oppression under selfish men's laws and economic policies.

The entire British nation accepted the contract (Covenant) that had been made, at first, with Abraham their father because he did not withhold his only son, the "miracle" child Isaac, on top of Mt. Moriah.

Under The Covenant (contract), the British swore a solemnly binding oath, that you would KEEP and DO everything that God had commanded to Moses, FOR EVER and would be God's servant nation, His wife and faithful to the marriage-contract (The Covenant) and His Demonstration People to the rest of the world.

That demonstration, was, to show the rest of the world, how wonderful it was to live under God's Laws and Economics, as opposed to men's evil systems (all of them including "so-called" democracy).

Under the terms of the marriage-contract God gave the British (Israel) the "Land Flowing with Milk and Honey" - the milk of human kindness and sweetness - the land of Israel.

He said that as long as they kept His ways and did not commit adultery (unfaithfulness to Him or each other), He would bring the sun and rain in their seasons and He would make their crops grow abundantly and they would want for nothing. They would live in peace and safety and be happy and prosperous, with no need for crime, as there would be no poverty and everyone would love and help each other. ("Love your neighbour as much as you love yourself").

The idea behind this, was, so that the gentile nations, outside of Israel, would see how wonderful it was to live under God's system and want it for themselves.

They would have two options and would choose the wrong one first, as humans always do, and that would be to try to take Israel by force and steal what they had. BUT, under The Covenant (marriage-contract), God had promised the British that He (as a husband protects his wife) would fight their enemies FOR them, and defeat them and that one British man would chase a thousand and they would flee in terror.

So, then, the gentiles would have to take option two - "if you can't beat them, join them" and they would come to the British (Israel) and ask if they could join them. Whereupon, they would be told, yes, IF they agreed to keep The Covenant too. This was to be "the grafting into Israel of the Gentiles", so that, little by little, the borders of Israel would enlarge to take in these gentile nations and eventually the whole world would become the Kingdom of Israel and God's Kingdom on Earth, with justice; freedom; safety and prosperity for everyone, not just the strong, powerful and rich, like under men's evil laws.

However, they broke their promise and The Covenant and allowed greedy; selfish; evil people, from amongst their own nation, to make up their own laws; economics and customs, to make the COMMANDMENTS of God of no effect. Because of this going away from God's Laws and Economic Policy, given in the Books of Moses (the 1st five Books of the Bible), and turning to man's laws in the "Talmud", the people became slaves again. This time they were not the slaves of foreigners but of the rich people whom they had allowed to make up laws to cheat them and make them poor and themselves rich - people from within their own nation.

So they had broken the contract and were not giving God's Demonstration, as they had promised, and would not be able to help God to bring the Gentiles into the Kingdom, as there was nothing worth joining. The system had become no better than a gentile one.

The curse then came into force. Under The Covenant were blessings for keeping the contract and penalty clauses or "Curses" for breaking the contract. As they had broken the contract they came under The Curse (penalty clause) and that curse was death, for the whole nation. They had already sold themselves back into slavery, and poverty and death was to follow.

So, once again the nation needed to be freed from slavery and death, just like in the Passover in Egypt, 1500 years before.

As The Covenant came into being because Abraham did not withhold his "miracle" son Isaac, the ONLY way to save the entire nation from death, was for God to annul (cancel) the contract and the ONLY way He could do that, was by sacrificing His own "miracle" Son from the "Virgin-birth", unless the nation accepted His Son's Sovereignty and returned to His Laws and their duty under the Old Covenant, accepted at Sinai, in Horeb.

This they refused to do, so the contract had to be cancelled and the only way to do that was for God's Son to be sacrificed, instead of the whole nation.

The New Contract (Testament) then came into existence for those who wanted "Life" and freedom. It was necessary to sacrifice THE "Lamb" to free the people from slavery, poverty and death under the curse and under men's evil laws in the Jewish Talmud, and return them to freedom, under God's Laws, in the Bible, once again; under the New Covenant (Testament).

There should not be an Easter; it should be the Second Passover because it happened at exactly the same time of year. Jesus and the Disciples' "Last Supper" was the "Feast of the Passover", and the setting up of the New Covenant (Testament)(marriage-contract), under which, IF everyone returned to God's Laws and Ways and to serving ONLY Him, they could have "Life", and freedom.

So where did Easter come from? Easter comes from the word Ishtar, who was a Babylonian pagan fertility goddess of the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Sun-worship on Sundays; which is why it is celebrated with eggs, because eggs are a sign of fertility. Easter is a totally pagan festival that has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus; the Crucifixion, which was the Second-Passover; or serving God.

In order to serve only God, which is the first and most important of the COMMANDments, and to do His Will (Islam in Arabic), they would have to learn to communicate with Him, so He could teach them how to, "be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven IS perfect".

If people did this, they would reap the benefit from Divine Wisdom; Love; Law and Justice, instead of the evil, that comes from the rule of men who are guided by Satan and his selfish; hateful; greedy; unjust and destructive ways.

The priests; lawyers and politicians had made up their own laws, in the "Talmud" and misled the people (the blind leading the blind) away from freedom, into their evil system, which made and kept them all rich and powerful and allowed them to prey on the people and steal the people's share of the wealth, under their home-made, illegal and fraudulent laws (James 5:4) and economics (Isaiah 3:12-15 and Ezekiel 34:2, 8).

Go To Part II.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!. Mathew. 22:37.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Mathew 4:4.
There is one who scatters,yet increases more; and there is one who withholds but leads to poverty. Prov. 11:24.
Love of money is the root of all evil. I Tim 6:10
All things work together for good to those who love God. Rom. 8:28

Part II. Therefore the priesthood and false system had to be abolished and IT WAS abolished forever, at The Crucifixion, to make way for the return of God's Rule and Ways, and the New Covenant, under which there was only ONE priest - THE High Priest - Christ (Ezekiel 34:10, 23).

At the Crucifixion the Temple Veil was torn in two, from top to bottom, and totally destroyed -WHY? What was the significance of The Veil, that made it so important, that God needed to destroy it, at The Crucifixion?

For the answer we have to go back in time 2000 years, to around 2000 B.C., to the time of Abraham and Isaac. God chose Abraham because he believed and served only God and NO-ONE else and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Abraham was willing to give up the most precious thing to him, on Earth - his "miracle" son, on Mt.Moriah. Remember Mt. Moriah.

Later, the shepherd boy, king David, asked God if he could build a house for God to live in. He was answered, "Am I a man that I need a house to live in?" I am God and I need no house. I live in the heart of every man that invites Me in to live with him, so I can teach him how to be good (like God).

However, because king David had been God's "well-beloved" servant, God decided to allow David's son Solomon to build Him a house (Temple) on MT. MORIAH, where Abraham had taken Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice to God, centuries before.

That Temple or church is the ONLY one that God has EVER given man permission to build and it is Satan and his priests (who blasphemously claim to work for God) who have built ALL the others of EVERY denomination. He does not want a house to live in, He wants to live in your hearts, as a welcome guest to teach you how to be like Him - good.

The Temple, on Mt. Moriah, had an outer court-yard and an inner sanctuary, which was called "The Holy of Holies" - the most sacred spot on Earth, the exact place where Abraham offered up Isaac and it was known as THE Holy Place. This "Holy of Holies" was separated from the outer-court of the Temple by the "Temple Veil" (curtain).

NO-ONE was allowed to enter the "Holy of Holies" EXCEPT the "High Priest", who went in there to communicate with God.

When THE "High-Priest of all time" was crucified by the jewish priests; lawyers and politicians, for challenging their authority, and the "Temple Veil" to the "Holy of Holies" was destroyed, this was to show the world that, from that moment on, the priest-hood was abolished FOR EVER, except for Christ Himself. Since then, through His teachings, of the New Testament (Covenant), EVERYONE has had DIRECT ACCESS TO GOD, if they follow the teachings EXACTLY as written and not as misinterpreted and corrupted by Satan's priests, who have the audacity to say they serve Christ, when they do the opposite of what Christ says. Thereby misleading the people away from God again and into believing that God lives in a house and outside of their hearts, which is the opposite of what God wants. They teach people to sing silly songs, that help no-one, instead of teaching Christ's Teachings, about how to learn from God, how to make the world a better, fairer and safer place, free from poverty and crime, as they should be doing.

Anyone who has not signed up for the New Covenant, in its entirety, is as good as "dead", because you are still under The Curse (penalty clause) of the Old Covenant - slavery and death.

There is still time but only just. Read Isaiah 42:7 and my "Hand-book for Prisoners, Prison Officers and Governors" - print out or send for a copy to send to your local prison, and/or people you know, or know of, who have been imprisoned.

You are ALL in slavery to the rich and in poverty and always have been because you have not kept The Covenant and have allowed evil, selfish people, to make up illegal laws and economic systems, to cheat you and make you poor and drive some of you to crime to survive and feed your families, exactly as God warned you more than 3000 years ago, by His prophet, TO YOU, Isaiah. Read Isaiah 3:12-15 and Isaiah 42:20-22 for yourself. See what it REALLY says.

You can set yourselves and the entire working-class FREE, from poverty and injustice, by keeping The Covenant, "Fighting for the Kingdom and Justice for ALL" and for a return to Freedom under God's Laws of Liberty and Economics, instead of imprisonment or slavery under Her Majesty's; Congress'; or anyone else's illegal laws and economics.

The New Covenant is waiting for YOU to accept it and do your half, so that God and I can do Ours, and it has been waiting for 2000 years for you to come to your senses and open your eyes and ears and listen to Us, and ONLY Us.

* * The Essenes and the Disciples called themselves "The Covenanters" and the early disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way", NOT christians.

Copyright © 1991 - JAH - all rights reserved.

If you want to know The TRUTH read "The Way home or face The Fire" and my other Booklets.

There is no Good Friday: it was on a Wednesday.

Most people have been wrongly taught and therefore believe that Jesus only taught for 3 and 1/2 years and was crucified at Ishtar of 33 AD, so please do not take what I am going to say as something personal against any of you. It is not meant to be taken personally by anyone and is only meant to straighten out the common misunderstanding and set the record straight, as this site is dedicated to truth.

This teaching of 3 and 1/2 years, of course, is untrue, like most things you have been taught by your blind guides, and a close look at all of what Daniel the Old Testament Prophet wrote will prove it to be untrue.

Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and The Sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
9:27 And he shall confirm The Covenant with many for ONE WEEK: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations He shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation (the "Lake of Hell-Fire"), and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

So here we have the proof that God said the Messiah would confirm The Covenant (New Covenant prophesied in Ezekiel 34) for ONE WEEK, meaning SEVEN years. Seven years, NOT three and a half years. The reference to being cut off in the midst (middle) of the week therefore cannot possibly refer to the number of years, but only to the day of the week - Wednesday, not Friday as the pagan so-called christian churches teach, just like they teach the false date of Jesus' birth as being Dec. 25th.

They have done the same with the Crucifixion. It was on a Wednesday the middle of the week, not on Friday the sixth day of the week.

Jesus arose from the dead on the Sabbath Day - Saturday - three days and three nights after the Wednesday mid-week Crucifixion, exactly as he prophesied that he would do:-

King of kings' Bible - Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and unfaithfull generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah:
12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Ishtar/Easter Friday to Ishtar/Easter Sunday is only two days, not the three days that Jesus prophesied it would be, which is further, absolutely obvious proof, that the teaching of the blind guides; of all of the so-called christian churches, none of whom can see the obvious; is a lie, proving, beyond doubt, that they are indeed blind guides.

The crucifixion was on Wednesday 21 st of April in 34 AD., forty years after the birth of Jesus in 7 BC.

To say that the ministry of Jesus was only for three and a half years, as the blind guides who falsely claim to work for God do, is to contradict God and Daniel, who said it was SEVEN years. Those who contradict God, are, by doing so, opposing God, which proves that they really work for Satan - the Opposer - and that they do NOT work for God. Do not allow yourself to be deceived by them, or you will end up in The Pit with them, exactly as Jesus told you.

King of kings' Bible - Matthew 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath NOT planted, shall be rooted up.
15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch (or Pit).

Amen - so be it.



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