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JIM WILLIE:  KING DOLLAR DECAPITATED IN 2015 EmptySun 29 Aug 2021, 22:15 by Jude


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Post  Guest Sat 10 Jan 2015, 08:59

Jim Willie: King Dollar Decapitated in 2015


by C Serpa
"As 2014 leaves off and 2015 begins anew, the main theme seems to be the end of the American Empire, the demise of the Petro-Dollar, the blunt of US Military over-reach, and the global urgency of putting the King Dollar into a cement casing coffin," says Jim Willie.

For patriotic Americans, this realization is a blow to the face. To think that just 2 decades ago we lived in a thriving economy, the shining light of the world. We had freedom of speech, economic opportunity, capitalistic etreprenerurism and hope that our children would have better lives than ourselves. The Fed? Who were they? End the Fed?

   We are nearing the end of that great experiment conducted on the American economy by an unelected, private bank that has been literally stealing from us since 1913.
   But with all experiments, some succeed, some fail and
   some just BLOW UP.

In 2008, we were kicked in the teeth with the financial crisis, and the banks and the car companies should have gone bankcrupt, reorganized and rebooted. But 'The Fed" intervened, handing over billions of taxpayer money to revive those dead entities. Yet, the economy didn't improve. So the Fed intervened with printing money, disguising the sinisterness of the term, into quantitative easing. Surely no one would have any idea of what THAT means.

That's where the REAL problems began, well, along with shipping all our manufacturing overseas...And now we are nearing the end of that great experiment conducted on the American economy by an unelected, private bank that has been literally stealing from us since 1913.

Fast forward to 2015-we are living in a post-constitutional society bearing the hallmarks of a fascist society, shrouded in overt propoganda instead of free speech, and whose leaders seem determined to destroy the economy, rather than help it. Perhaps that is indeed the case, as Willie says our flag has been "captured". I believe we have already experienced a silent coup in the White House.

Jim Willie lays out his views of the current situation and what is to come in 2015:

   "The Fascist Business Model will soon suffer a closed final chapter, an evitable conclusion to two decades of extraordinary thefts, pilferage, and grabs that have recently been in full view with little attempt to conceal the actions. "

"War to defend the US Dollar sounded like crazy talk in 2005 and 2006 when the Jackass made first reference. War crimes have coincided with monetary recklessness and profound bond fraud. Now the bellicose defense of a corrupt, crippled, cancerous US Dollar is utterly obvious, except of course to those who continue wear red white & blue under-garments and continue to salute the captured flag..

   Any currency supported by hyper monetary inflation on one side, profound bond fraud on a second side, rigged markets on a third side, and war on a fourth side, is no longer honorable or worthy of further viability.


   US Dollar is described and portrayed as strong, when its higher value relative to other worthless fiat paper currencies indicates the entire financial structures are breaking down in visible terms

   Central banks carry the QE load, while they lie about hidden support for fractured devastated bank derivatives possibly in the $trillions, and while they speak of its stimulus (but it kills capital on Main Street)

   US Economy in depression with numerous sectors falling, but called 3% growth in aggregate (a grotesque basic contradiction), as Sears approaches bankrupty and numerous major employers announce job cuts due to poor sales

   US-based jobless rate over 22%, as millions fall off the counter, while fewer full-time jobs are in the US Economy than in 2007, as part-time low level posts dominate

   US stole Ukraine central bank gold, but blamed Russia for annexing Crimea during the simplistic distraction

   US attempting to capture entire European Union set of member states under the NATO flag, forcing compliance by member nations and obedience to its Supreme Commander in a virtual coup d’etat of Europe under the Ukraine War shadow

   US denigrates the value of Gold while the US Military and adjunct agencies steal central bank gold across the world, following the standard destabilization activity endorsed by the Langley crew

   US succumbs to European Gold repatriations, when nations in Central Europe prepare to produce a gold hoard toward the Eurasian Trade Zone gold backed currency, the gold hoard submitted for inclusion in the return to the Gold Standard

   The Gold Standard will not be permitted a return via the FOREX platform, so therefore it will arrive by extreme disruptive force via the Trade platform, which will render the USTreasury Bond useless dead weight of the toxic variety in the global banking system (then discarded)

   The solution is with precious metals as the core to banking, trade, and currency, even wealth preservation.
   The return of Gold to its primacy is long overdue.

   US pushes the trade pacts with Europe and Asia as positive growth devices, when the pact is loaded with corporate power grabs in patents, legal procedure, and internet censorship (pact being given same reception as a thorny chastity belt)

   US talks about isolating Russia - like childlike aggressive morons (with its 13 time zones, huge energy fields and vast metal deposits), while US-led sanctions have backfired to isolate the United States from the 170 nations within the BRICS Alliance

   US blamed North Korea for the SONY hacking, when done as inside job in clear terms by a disgruntled employee after his dismissal (never let a crisis go to waste)

   US makes nice with Cuba after Russia & China invest $billions, with the errant lunatic hope of gathering some lucrative construction contracts, which would mean R&C fund projects done by US corporations (not an ice cube chance in hell)

   US uses ISIS card after Iraq nation building suffered Shiite majority, the Baghdad Parliament becoming unmanageable therefore required the Langley second card of hired, hidden mercenaries to capture oil fields and to steal central bank funds while maintaining a high pitched fear level (beheadings on television fully orchestrated, the proof being zero blood spurts from the neck area in doctored films)

   US pretends to push Ruble currency down and US Dollar up, when the USD is dying a horrible death from lost control, fractured platforms, and knee-jerk reactions toward safe haven, as the Petro-Dollar has been quietly dismantled without fanfare

   US tells of Russians selling Gold reserves to manage Ruble pain, while the Kremlin acquires Gold from energy trade payments and spends its toxic US Treasury Bonds held in reserves (the exact opposite)

   US debt rating agencies cut Russian debt to junk, while the US Govt suspended the debt limit and runs up debt past the $18 trillion mark, never to be repaid, and while the US Govt debt is supported by QE bond monetization and confiscation of Japanese Govt pension funds (prompting attention on which nation is busted, broke and barren, namely the accuser)

   US talks of BRICS as crippled nations, destined to falter, when they are strong, with ample resources, not much debt, ample cheap labor, improved education, and utterly huge reserves (like over 65% of global reserve wealth)

   Central banks fight for survival in final Competing Currency War round of devaluations, as nation after nation departs from the US Dollar salute support

   Southern European sovereign bonds enjoy ultra-low yields, not from health and fiscal soundness, but from rampant Euro Central Bank coverage

   Germany has been fighting in the open versus the European Central Bank, challenging the legality of super seniority bonds, declaring them illegal in the German High Court, while Germany prepares the fundamental groundwork for departing the common Euro region

   Scotland and Swiss Referendums on independence and gold management fail, but with likely rigged votes by the fascists in power

   Lower oil price described as beneficial to US Economy on consumer side, but a horrible wet blanket on the oil industry capital budgets, and a total wrecking ball on their shale oil subprime bonds soon to enter failure

   Pretension of fixes for LIBOR, FOREX, and Gold markets when all remain irreparably corrupt, broken, and entrenched, but with some shocks likely to come soon from BAFIN investigations on the Gold market corruption done by Deutsche Bank, in service to London and Wall Street

   US begins with sponsored BitCoin entries, which are controlled by Wall Street and Langley, used to co-opt a legitimate movement which has potential in the near future for gold-backed retail payment system using debit cards

   The West has a lost concept of capitalism and business formation and work, as the US falls into the socialist trap led by fascist warmongering with confiscations, laden by handouts for the lazy, the ignorant, namely- the "O" supporters

   2015 will be the year where the entire system fractures openly in obvious ways that cannot be denied, which will call for meaningful remedy centered on the Gold Standard finally (the last resort, the only true viable solution)

   2015 will be the year where nations of the world openly call for the retirement and removal of the US Dollar, due to its cancerous finances related to QE monetization, forcing a disposition of corrosive reserves sitting in their banking systems, as objections to the war need for sustenance seen in multiple venues

   The month of February should begin to see open wounds, visible fractures, wrecked platforms, and engineered whacks by the East in numerous venues, making for an exciting but dangerous year, full of promise but loaded with risk

   People had better prepare themselves for some conclusion events, certain to occur with fireworks. The US Dollar is soon to go away, put to rest, killed off.
   Its rise signals its demise.

The Gold Standard will return, but through the trade window.

The solution to the untreated Global Financial Crisis is the gold route. The Eurasian Trade Zone will be built upon the gold route, and see a revival of the Silk Road. It cannot be stopped, not even by war. The safe haven is not the US Dollar, but rather Gold & Silver bars & coins, otherwise defined as money.

The crisis is better described as the Global Monetary War. Any nation wishing to establish trade or a monetary system centered upon gold is branded a rogue nation, subject to extreme propaganda. This is precisely why Russia is being vilified, since they want no more US Dollar in trade or banking, and lead a global movement to discard the USD as global reserve currency.

The new 2015 year will be exciting. As the Jackass forecasted, 2014 did indeed end much differently from the way it began. The agents of change are working at hyper-speed now. The US Dollar is doomed, and its captains are running for their lives.

The return of Gold to its primacy is long overdue.

Jim Willie CB, editor of the “HAT TRICK LETTER”

Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Visit his free website to find articles from topflight authors at www.GoldenJackass.com. For personal questions about subscriptions, contact him at JimWillieCB@aol.com


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