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Post  Guest Sun 01 Jun 2014, 09:02

« Top Science Journal: “Time bombs” at WIPP nuclear site? “High alert over risk of new explosions” in hundreds of plutonium-contaminated drums — AP: 4 years may be needed just to seal off area where drums stored — Experts go down to check if ground ‘still stable’ (VIDEO)
Japan Scientist: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima… then, they died; Deformities get worse with each generation — TV: “Truly horrifying… it doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore” (PHOTOS & VIDEO) »
Official in Fukushima: “Please Please HELP US!” — Hot particles of melted fuel are inhaled by children everyday — We are forced to have it in our bodies — “Please let all people in the world know the life we are living”

Published: May 30th, 2014 at 10:42 am ET
By ENENews
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Excerpts from Oyama Koichi of the Minamisoma City Council, May 13, 2014 — Translation by Dissensus Japan, May 25, 2014:

I want to shout for all the people in this world: “Please Please HELP US!”
The cause substance have been found. This is an aggregate of radionuclides which starts with Uranium [in] a nuclear reactor at more than 5000°C.
This mixed metal contains four different substances, α・β・γ and also have the possibility to radiate neutron ray.
No creature on earth never knew this substance.
We are forced to have those strong substances inside our body without knowing where it exactly stays.
To say that “Cesium has got the same system as potassium and it will be discharged from the body” is just a lie! [...]
We are all manipulated by the words “radiation” and “radiation doze” without knowing the real identity of radiation source. We are not told the real facts of being irradiated [...]
They only compare radiation doze and natural potassium contained in bananas and manipulated people as if it was a scientific study. I really want the scholars patronized by the government to be punished by the rancorous of all children on this earth. [...]
The informations say that hot particles were diffused and flied in all directions in Japan. The particles from hell is flying in the air and people don’t protect themselves anymore three years after the nuclear accident and children are aspirating those horrible particles everyday!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US! Please let all people in the world to know the life we are living since the accident, everyday and today.

Published: May 30th, 2014 at 10:42 am ET
By ENENews
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May 30th, 2014 | Category: Fukushima Daiichi, Japan (Fukushima)
« Top Science Journal: “Time bombs” at WIPP nuclear site? “High alert over risk of new explosions” in hundreds of plutonium-contaminated drums — AP: 4 years may be needed just to seal off area where drums stored — Experts go down to check if ground ‘still stable’ (VIDEO)
Japan Scientist: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima… then, they died; Deformities get worse with each generation — TV: “Truly horrifying… it doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore” (PHOTOS & VIDEO) »
291 comments to Official in Fukushima: “Please Please HELP US!” — Hot particles of melted fuel are inhaled by children everyday — We are forced to have it in our bodies — “Please let all people in the world know the life we are living”
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skizexq skizexq
May 31, 2014 at 1:56 am Log in to Reply

by 'Foster The People' – yeah right…disallusion sets in… yet again…

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skizexq skizexq
May 31, 2014 at 2:53 am Log in to Reply

Matthew Huggins •3 years ago
Interesting observation in the article that, "[t]he fans who've been crowding into their shows, happily singing along, don't seem to know what they're singing about. They also don't seem to care.".

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
May 31, 2014 at 3:40 am Log in to Reply

This mega disaster is just starting…. Reality will be a slap of cold hard radiation having it's way…

Japan Radioactive Iodine 131 Levels In Sewage Sludge Levels Are RISING Since March 2011 To 2014 – Why? via @AGreenRoad

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
May 31, 2014 at 3:42 am Log in to Reply

They will not be able to hide the consequences that will continue to get worse and worse and worse over the years…

Japanese Government Radiation Monitor Station Reads 2,000% Lower Than Nearby Locations; via @AGreenRoad

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Obvious Obvious
May 31, 2014 at 6:02 am Log in to Reply

I recall: when TEPCO installed monitoring stations, lead shielding was part of the package … people were outraged because they knew that would significantly alter the data.

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dharmasyd dharmasyd
May 31, 2014 at 1:57 am Log in to Reply

Dear Oyama Koichi. I want you to know that many of us here in the US and around the globe have been trying to do everything to stop this. I've actually been opposing nuclear since the 1950s tests in the Pacific. I remember how we mistakenly bombed the Japanese fishing boat, The Lucky Dragon back then because we calculated the wind direction and velocity incorrectly. I worked as a lead organizer for the Hibakusha tour for the 40th anniversary in 1985.

I tried. I have done all I could, and I will continue to work as hard as my old age allows. But I do feel that it is too late. ELE events used to be caused by nature. Now, the worst threats to life on earth are human created. We were supposed to learn and evolve a higher level of consciousness. But we didn't. And so, we have created our own death! We are all in this together. If, by any wild chance you know Tetsurou Watanabe, 4 yuno-Kanze, Jijaka, Fukushima City, please say hello from my Mother, Kay Vilen, coach of the Santa Clara Aquamaids Synchronized Swim Team.
Thank you.
Best wishes as we all struggle to survive.

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HoTaters HoTaters
May 31, 2014 at 2:46 am Log in to Reply

Hi dharmasyd, good to see you're here. Thank you for sharing your background as an activist.

Have thought about you from time to time and have wondered how you're getting on.

I wish you well. A sante, to your health, my friend.


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dharmasyd dharmasyd
May 31, 2014 at 3:04 am Log in to Reply

Hi there HoTate..I come here everyday to check out the news, but I don't post often as it seems that everything has been said. But I do love this site and my friends here as we all keep truckin' on the best we can…
My health is pretty good. I won a major battle with the land lords, but that is too OT to discuss. Thanks for remembering me.

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PaciFistic PaciFistic
May 31, 2014 at 1:07 pm Log in to Reply

…..dharmasyd…your having done all you could from such a long while back clearly has neutralized a lot of your karma (and we all carry quite a lot which is why we are still on this plane).

Thus you have created much merit for yourself, so going to extremes from here on will only give you burnout.

And as you said "…I do feel it is already too late." I think most of us commenting on this site would agree with you, yet some of us hope something could be done, if not to stem the radiation outflow, at least to help the people affected there around Fukushima.

Meanwhile all those in high places who have the power and authority to give notice to the world at large, and also to help the situation in Fukushima but instead are denying, spreading misinformation, ignoring, etc. ……consider, in contrast to yourself, how much negative karma they are piling up for themselves, for which eventually they will have to answer.

The consequences of doing nothing in a situation such as Fukushima are mind-numbing. And that should not be dementia, as then we would have to take care of all those do-no-gooders.

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dharmasyd dharmasyd
June 1, 2014 at 3:23 am Log in to Reply

Yes. Blessings on you and your wisdom/

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McJillin McJillin
May 31, 2014 at 2:13 am Log in to Reply

Hi wonderful ENEnews Group. Took me awhile to read through all of your wonderful comments, and it's late here in CA, so don't know if I could get any input from you on today's San Jose Mercury News Article with the title:

"Tapping the sea
Under construction: The largest seawater-to-drinking
water plant in the nation is intended to be a drought-buster"

It's all about desalination.

Oh my God! No mention of the horrible radiation in our ocean coming from Fukushima! The silence is deafening!

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
May 31, 2014 at 3:43 am Log in to Reply

Even the best of these cannot take out radioactive tritium.

It takes three stage filters to get most of the radiation out.

Just osmosis, leaves most of the radiation in the water.

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June 1, 2014 at 3:32 am Log in to Reply

They need to heavily filter the water, probably reverse osmosis and distillation. Then add zeolite to the mix. It's probably the best way to make the drinking water the safest it can be. To the people who are living in the area in Japan affected by radioactive waste: do everything to get it out of your bodies, cilantro, coriander, bentoninte clay, pine pollen and use a sauna every day if you can to help you detox it. Find out more things you can do to get radiation out of your body here: http://allherbalremedies.org/radiation-remedy-herbs-radiation-poisoning-treatment/

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dharmasyd dharmasyd
May 31, 2014 at 2:52 am Log in to Reply

Well I'm still up, here in Berserkeley, and yes I agree there is a deafening reaction to the many ELE events we have created. I mean they are proliferating at warp drive speed. I will continue to do what I can, but I am not too sanguine about it. So, if this really is the Titanic, and we are all really about to go down with the ship, I truly would prefer music to deafening silence as we sink beneath the cold, cold tide.

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
May 31, 2014 at 3:46 am Log in to Reply

The 'music' is the divine harmony created by the singing of the spheres and hosts, and it goes on forever more, no matter what humans do in their insane play games of violence, war and nuclear machinations, all of them based on illusions that have no Reality.

The song of the mass media drowns out the truth, but the whisper of truth tellers speaking Reality goes on forever more, as it is in harmony with the singing of the spheres and hosts..

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dharmasyd dharmasyd
June 1, 2014 at 3:20 am Log in to Reply

Indeed Dr. Goodheart + large numbers.

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CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
May 31, 2014 at 3:44 am Log in to Reply

Im rather surprised people arent talking about " aggregate of radionuclides which starts with Uranium in a nuclear reactor at more than 5000°C. This mixed metal contains four different substances, α・β・γ and also have the possibility to radiate neutron ray."

Thats nearly the temperature of the surface of the sun. Cold shutdown? What is this known aggregate…is it the black mystery powder…fuel fleas,…different than Bucky balls? …its known and theres a temperature. Is this a smoking gun to implicate explosions and super critical conditions?

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
May 31, 2014 at 3:48 am Log in to Reply

It is not either or, it is all of the above plus more.. humanity won what was behind ALL Of the curtains of death.. Pandora's box has been opened, and the horrors are ALL flowing out.

Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I; via @AGreenRoad

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CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
May 31, 2014 at 4:03 am Log in to Reply

Pandoras box is open Dr Goodheart. I saw a four legged spider hobbling about. I wondered how he could stay alive, but could tell he had a keen thirst for living. I really did see myself in this little creature, and I thought about the music of the spheres too, and that I could almost fancy hearing the ephemeral sound. But as the four legged spider and I lurch forward in unsteady and beastly gait, it seemed more likely that at least I would not catch hold of the lofty current. Perhaps even the hopeful listener wasnt much more than a puff of dust in the vast cosmos

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weegokiburi weegokiburi
May 31, 2014 at 4:19 am Log in to Reply

d.D. And c
Interesting history.
The pythagoreans hid the discovery of irrational numbers for years.
They knew but didn't say
Sound familiar.

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jec jec
May 31, 2014 at 10:55 am Log in to Reply

And remember the USS Ronald Reagan sailors' various, "unexpected"and unusual illnesses? Remember the 'missing' or lowered radiation data from the USS RR or as provided by TEPCO/Japan? Could the sudden and severe illesses along with neurological damages, birth defects, thyroid damage/cancers..can you say neutron rays? We, the webcammers of ENENEWS, saw the neutron raysand have images. TEPCO even later admitted the events WERE neutron rays(just a few..)..way way after TEPCO said Fukushima was in 'cold shutdown.' I hate to think what they call an emergency!!!!

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jec jec
May 31, 2014 at 10:56 am Log in to Reply

Nuckelchen, can you post a few videos of those 'rays' here on this post? Maybe someone is watching now….

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
June 1, 2014 at 4:00 am Log in to Reply

Could J Parc Neutron Beam Have Caused Fukushima Daichi Mega Nuclear Disaster?

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
June 1, 2014 at 4:03 am Log in to Reply

Neutron rays are mostly invisible, just like gamma, beta and alpha 'rays'.

Under some circumstances, they may show up in the visible spectrum, such as with a nuclear reactor 'pulse'.

But then neutrons are also accompanied by all of the other radiation, so who is to say what a pure neutron ray looks like?

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Heart of the Rose Heart of the Rose
May 31, 2014 at 4:17 am Log in to Reply

David Gray – Let the Truth Sting (lyrics)


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DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
May 31, 2014 at 2:58 pm Log in to Reply

Very good ! Some of Dylan in his voice , with a litle bit more "sting" .

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May 31, 2014 at 12:16 pm Log in to Reply

Robot detects high levels of radiation inside Fukushima #1…

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May 31, 2014 at 1:26 pm Log in to Reply

from New Jersey!

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McJillin McJillin
May 31, 2014 at 2:39 pm Log in to Reply

Good morning, barely, ENEnewsers. The only news worth reading, basically. Thank you Dr. Goodheart and dharmasyd for your replies, along with all others here. You are an Oasis of Truth in a desert of lies. I'm trying to educate myself, and trying to pass on the news to family, friends and people in general. I find that people are more receptive to hearing about this Fukushima catastrophe lately, or maybe I'm more articulate, and I would have to thank all of you for that.

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May 31, 2014 at 3:07 pm Log in to Reply

* Apologies for implying "stupid" at a contributor here –which was stupid of me.

* For our own integrity/self respect, and as pointless as exercises of political franchise (voting, etc) might in fact be, it's essential to "do our part" (in a measured way), so as to at least not be be "part of the problem". Register and vote Green Anything beyond that is gravy –and ever so welcome.

* I agree that the neocons (Democrat and Republican brands) have politics pretty much sewed up, and that petitioning them is lame as hell, but I'm not sewed up, so I do it anyway.

* It's personally/spiritually important to tell heroes like Paul Craig Roberts, Steven Starr and Dr. Jill Stein –how very much we appreciate their courage and leadership –what needed points of pride in our humanity they are for us (and please forward my congratulations/felicitations if you happen to know them).

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
June 1, 2014 at 4:05 am Log in to Reply


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Heart of the Rose Heart of the Rose
June 1, 2014 at 12:41 am Log in to Reply

It isn't good enough for Abe to just kill his own.
He is pedaling death everywhere he goes.

"Here, Eat Japan's contaminated food in the name of peace."

Japan's desire to boost peace welcomed by Singapore
June 1 2014


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June 1, 2014 at 1:37 am Log in to Reply

Fukushima residents wary of waste facilities…

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June 1, 2014 at 1:39 am Log in to Reply

"The officials said the government will enact legislation to guarantee that the final disposal of the waste will be completed outside Fukushima Prefecture within 30 years after storage begins. Some residents are worried that the short term storage facilities may be used permanently for final disposal of the waste.

The participants said they are anxious that they may not be able to continue farming once the storage facilities are built due to concerns about their agricultural products. They said they may lose their hometowns, or that people outside the towns may not accept final disposal sites, making it impossible to ever remove the waste from the towns."

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Dr. Goodheart Dr. Goodheart
June 1, 2014 at 4:11 am Log in to Reply

What are they going to do with WIPP; it is a 'pilot' project, supposedly temporary and experimental, as in 10,000 years.

No one is coming back in 10,000 years to get the stuff back out..

It will probably be buried in another ice age by then. Who knows if humans will even be around?

No worries Fukushima folks, sadly, there will be many less people healthy enough to care about the waste. There will be far fewer individuals in 30 years left alive to worry about the radiation from a 'temporary' nuclear waste dump.

The transfer of risk, death, suffering and ill health plus genetic problems from the nuclear industry to the public at large will keep on building up and growing for the foreseeable future in Japan and globally.



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