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ScreenSaver Forecast by NWS
ScreenSaver Forecast by yr.no


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Post  Guest Sun 03 Apr 2011, 13:17

Today the pope’s Jesuits are not only entrenched at the highest levels of all
branches and departments of the U.S. Government, but they are also
entrenched at the highest levels of virtually all the major corporations and
industries in the United States. The Jesuits are the major stockholders of many
of the largest corporations. They own 51% of the stock in Bank of America for
instance. And because the papacy is a so-called church, they pay not one penny
of taxes. Because they are a so-called church, they are able to operate
internationally outside of the laws and legal proceedings everyone else must
Here are a few of the Jesuit-controlled corporations that totally support their
Jesuits in congress and the government: American Airlines, TWA, Anheuser
Busch, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Boeing, Cigna, Coca-Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Exxon,
Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, May
Company, McDonald’s, Motorola, Philip Morris, Price-Waterhouse, Rite Aid, RJR
Nabisco, Sony Corp. of America, Texaco, United Parcel Service, Walt Disney
Company, and Wells Fargo.
These corporations give their Jesuit senators and congressmen in both the
Democratic and Republican parties many thousands of dollars for their election
campaigns. These senators and congressmen are the most radical and
dangerous this country has ever had. They do everything they can to pass laws
and regulations prohibited by our constitution, laws designed to destroy the
United States, to eliminate freedom, and to convert the United States into a
ruthless tyranny. They lie constantly to deceive the people so the people will go
along with the laws and regulations they want to pass.
Everyone in high positions in the government takes a solemn oath to uphold
and obey the Constitution, but nearly all of them totally ignore the Constitution.
The president issues executive orders that are totally unconstitutional, and
Congress passes laws that the Constitution specifically forbids. Our God-given
Constitution is the reason the United States has become the greatest country in
the world, but it is being thoroughly undermined today by the Jesuits in
government as they work to convert the United States into a ruthless police
The laws and regulations they pass are designed to export the industrial and
manufacturing base of the United States to other countries. They are designed
to destroy our energy base by restricting oil prospecting, fuel production, and
nuclear power plants. The Jesuits in the House, Senate and regulating agencies
restrict the private use of land with nonsensical environmental rules and
regulations. They pass laws and regulations about what is “proper” to be taught
in schools so that children will grow up being extremely ignorant under the
banner of being educated.
The Jesuits are not recognized by the general populace because of their
treachery and secrecy. They tell no one that they are Jesuits. They even belong
to other churches, other cultures, and other organizations, that they have
infiltrated, to hide their identity and to control these organizations.
There are millions and millions of the pope’s Jesuits. They are everywhere. They
are into everything. They are into every major organization, and control nearly
every political organization and government in the world. Because of the
Jesuits’ extreme secrecy, many of these organizations and governments are
totally unaware that they are being infiltrated and controlled.
It is easy to identify the Jesuits and the Jesuit puppets in the United States
Congress, because they are the ones that continually try to get all kinds of laws
passed that require exactly the opposite from what the Constitution says. They
continually pass laws that restrict the liberty of the citizens of the country. They
continually pass laws to regulate every aspect of life in the United States. They
continually pass laws that restrict freedom of speech such as the Campaign
Finance Reform Act. Incidentally, they always use names for these laws that will
sound good to the American people, but rarely indicate what is in the law. They
use every means they can to deceive the people of the country.
The USA Patriot act of 2001 is in almost total violation of the constitution,
requiring many of the regulations Nazi Germany and communist Russia had.
When all the requirements of this act are implemented, the citizens of this
country will rue the day they ever allowed such a monstrosity to become law.
Jesuits in the government were responsible for this act and forced its passage.
They forced a vote on this act without giving the congressmen and senators an
opportunity to read it! Why didn’t the congressmen and senators have the good
sense to vote “no” and defeat this act since they were never able to read it?
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is another act that was passed to take away
freedom and security in the United States and is in total violation of the
constitution. As all the requirements of these acts become implemented, the
people of the country will learn first-hand how it feels to have absolutely no
freedom. These and other laws and regulations on the books will, when
implemented, convert the United States into a more ruthless police state than
was Nazi Germany or communist Russia and Red China.
The Jesuits continually try to pass restrictive gun legislation. The second
amendment to the Constitution says, “the right of the people to keep and bear
arms, shall not be infringed.” Every gun law that congress has ever passed is a
direct violation of the United States’ Constitution. Because of the crime and
terrorism in our country today, and because of the government and media
propaganda against guns, people are made to believe that these laws are
When the citizens of a nation are armed, where their right to own guns is not
infringed, the crime rate is extremely low.
Every man in Switzerland, for instance, is required to have guns in his home,
including assault rifles. Crime in Switzerland is almost non-existent. In states
and cities in America that allow people to carry guns, the crime rate is extremely
During World War Two, Hitler wanted to invade Switzerland. The Swiss told him
that he could send his army across the border, but none of his officers would
return. Hitler gave the order to invade Switzerland several times, but his officers
refused to obey. Switzerland remained safely neutral all during the war because
Hitler could not overcome the guns in the hands of Swiss private citizens. No
dictator wants to be the dictator of a nation with 200 million guns around.
Christians generally do not want to have anything to do with guns, because a
Christian would never take the life of another individual. It is not the USE of the
guns that keeps the crime rate low; it is just the fact that the guns are there, and
the criminals and would-be dictators know that the guns are there. That
knowledge keeps them at bay.
In order to motivate the people of the United States to give up their guns, the
Jesuits stage shootings periodically to show how “dangerous” guns are. These
shootings occur in the most emotional places such as schools where children
die. But Waco shows what will happen when only the government has guns.
Some 86 children died a torturous death at Waco at the hands of the
Today, the United States is run and controlled by its most dedicated enemies. If
you wonder at the things the government and the people in control of the
government do that are so damaging to the United States, it is because they are
our enemies and are determined to destroy the United States. Treason is
running rampant throughout all levels and branches of the U.S. government
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive
treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known
and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among
those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys,
heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he
speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their
garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
resist. - Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar, Crassus, Pompey and the Roman
Many wonder today why the Republican party does nothing to defeat the
treasonous schemes of the Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have
thoroughly infiltrated the Republican party as well as the Democratic party.
Many wonder why the news media lie so much to support and protect the
Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have thoroughly infiltrated the news
media. The news media and schools and colleges, with their lies and
propaganda, have so conditioned the people of the country that they are unable
to recognize what has been done to them. Victory for the Jesuits seems very
near. The Jesuits are like a cancer that has pervaded nearly every fiber of the
society of the United States. We are being defeated by the enemy within.
For many years the Jesuits have prevented the United States from developing
additional sources of energy within its own territory. Exploiting the vast oilfields
on the Alaskan north slope, that probably contain more oil than the entire
middle east, is forbidden. New nuclear power plants, the safest source of
electric energy ever discovered, are not permitted. There is no end to the lies
people have been made to believe about Nuclear energy. The environment is
used as the club to subdue the people of the country into going along with this
idiocy. Modern technology is able to develop these sources of power without
any damage to the environment. Needless to say, without sufficient energy, the
United States will not be able to defend itself. All the papacy has to do is cut off
the oil supply from the middle east.
The United States is now starting to feel the pinch of the energy shortage the
Jesuits have created. People have experienced blackouts over large areas as
power is shut off to stay within the limits of generating capacity. Today, instead
of constructing additional nuclear power plants, some of these plants are being
dismantled! Will the people of the United States be able to wake up in time to
prevent the coming national tragedy?
Not only in the United States is this treachery being perpetrated by the papacy,
but they are secretly at work all over the world to subvert all the nations of the
world, as we read earlier from Charles Chiniquy’s book.
The papacy’s slaughter of Christians continues to this day. Since the papacy is
a small country with little military capability, they always beguile other nations to
do their fighting for them. Today the United States is their favorite bully. Thus,
they are never directly involved, and people do not realize who is behind the
wars, the trouble, and the terrorism. Avro Manhattan’s book, The Vatican’s
Holocaust, describes in detail the papacy’s continuing slaughter of millions of
Christians in the 20th century. At the time of this writing, the complete text of
The Vatican’s Holocaust is available on the internet for downloading. A link for
this book is provided at the bottom of this page.
The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and others is a direct result of
the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because
the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about
the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of her true involvement.
The Jesuits seem to have a code that guides their every action. That code is:
"Call your enemy what you are and always tell the exact opposite of the truth."
This makes it very difficult to counter their lies and explain clearly and
understandably what they are actually doing.
And now the world has terrorism to a degree that was unimaginable before the
destruction of the World Trade Center’s twin towers in New York City where
nearly 4,000 people lost their lives. This terrorism is part of the plan the Jesuits
are implementing to scare the American people into giving up their freedoms,
and it is working. The Bible says in Revelation 18:24 that the papacy is
responsible for ". . . the blood of . . . all that were slain upon the earth." Evidence
strongly indicates that Muslims highjacked the airliners and flew them into the
towers. Thus we have rather strong evidence that the papacy’s Jesuits have
even been able to infiltrate the Muslims. Remember that the papacy and the
Jesuits have been at this business for many hundreds of years. Remember,
also, that we saw that no disguise is too difficult for them to assume.
Let us now consider some of the tactics the papacy is using to subvert the
United States. Just because they call themselves a church does not mean that
they are honest or honorable. Remember that Satan, the devil, gave the papacy
their power and great authority (Revelation 13:2). The Catholics, through their
Jesuits, are working to accomplish the exact opposite from what the Catholic
Church claims they stand for. For instance, the church claims to be against
abortion, but their Jesuits, working in secrecy and masquerading as regular
citizens in the government, work to pass laws and make judicial rulings
permitting abortion. They have their right hand fighting their left hand to
thoroughly confuse the people of the United States and to keep the people from
ever connecting this evil conspiracy with them. Here is another example. The
pope gets on television and, acting very piously, prays for peace, while his
Jesuits are behind the scenes stirring up all kinds of wars, conflicts and
terrorism in the world.
The Jesuits are making a dedicated effort in the United States to degrade the
morality of the people of the country, to destroy family life, and to destroy all the
traditional values that made this country the greatest nation in the world. This is
being done by the abominable subjects being taught in government schools and
colleges. It is being done by history courses that teach from revisionist history
books containing many more lies than the truth. It is being done with
pornographic sex education courses in the schools. It is being done with the
destruction of religious values and the law of God, the Ten Commandments. It is
being done by television programs, where entertainment is watching people
break God’s law. The natural result is a drastic increase in crime. Acts of the
most abominable and shocking character are daily perpetrated within this
country. The murder of one and a half million unborn babies in this country each
year is one result of the demoralization of this nation.
The Jesuits are also flooding the United States with aliens, most of which are
Catholic. Not only are we being defeated by the Jesuit enemy within, we are
constantly being invaded by an army of aliens from without. These aliens dilute
the traditional American society that understands our Constitution and how it
works. This makes it much easier for the Jesuits in congress to pass the
unconstitutional laws so damaging to the United States. And, of course, along
with these aliens come the people who actually blow up the buildings.
There is talk in Washington of giving illegal aliens amnesty again, and also of
converting our southern border into a "regional power block" where the area
within 100 miles on either side of the border between Mexico and the United
States would be administered jointly by Mexico and the U.S. The Jesuits are
working to “eradicate the borders that separate Canada, Mexico, and the United
States as part of a larger design to create a regional political and economic bloc
duplicating the European Union." - The New Americn, October 8, 2001.
There is also talk of putting Mexican citizens in Mexico on United States' Social
Security payments. The purpose of this, along with all the wars and police-
keeping actions the U.S. military is into and all the welfare the government pays
for, is to completely bankrupt the United States.
Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a
Social Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans [in Mexico]
onto the Social Security roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in
benefits south of the border." - Jonathan Weisman, The Washington Post, Dec.
19, 2002.
Since the Jesuits beguiled the United States into giving the Panama Canal to the
Red Chinese, there are now over 200,000 Red Chinese in the Canal Zone. This
portends extremely serious problems for both the United States and Panama. A
large percentage of Panamanian citizens want the U.S. to come back and
restore the Canal Zone as before. Incidentally, the treaty giving the canal to
Panama was never properly ratified. There were two versions of the treaty: an
English version and a Spanish version. These two versions were not the same.
The Senate ratified one version and the Panamanians ratified the other version.
And the treason goes on and on.
When America was young, it was the envy of the entire world. In it’s youth,
America was kind, gracious, and gentle. America was a country of great
religious and political liberty available to all under the United States
Constitution. America was a nation without a king and it had a church without a
pope. On American money the message of her trust in God was proclaimed, and
the great blessing of God rested upon this country.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French philosopher of the last century, came to
our shores to discover what magical quality enabled a handful of people to
defeat the mighty British Empire twice in 35 years. He looked for the greatness
of America in her fertile soil, her limitless forests and natural resources. He
examined America’s schools, her Congress and her unique Constitution without
fully understanding the source of America’s strength.
It was not, he said later, until he went to the churches of America and found
congregations aflame with righteousness, that he began to comprehend the
secret of this power. Upon his return to France, de Tocqueville wrote: "America
is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good,
America will cease to be great." - Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery?, Emissary
Publications, PMB: 1776, 9205 SE Clackamas Rd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015,
1980, p. 267.
The United States was the champion of liberty and freedom throughout the
world. Before this time no nation in history ever had a written constitution that
guaranteed the liberty and freedom of its people. But the glorious beginning of
this country was to be corrupted in later years. The gentle, gracious, freedom-
loving character of the United States in its youth was later used as a facade to
hide the character that this country subsequently developed. This facade has
successfully kept hidden, even from most of its own citizens, the real character
the United States developed in these last days as a result of Jesuit infiltration
and subversion.
When the Jesuits are successful in taking over the United States and converting
it into a ruthless police state, the people of the country will begin to realize what
has happened to them. But then, of course, it will be too late to do anything
about it.
The papacy has made colossal fools of untold millions of people down through
history, and it is still doing so today.
Please order the book, The Secret Terrorists, to get the whole history of how the
Jesuits have been responsible for nearly all the tragedies that have happened to
the United States. If enough people understand the contents of this astounding
book, it might be possible to defeat the Jesuits before they can complete their
destruction of the United States. This book is sent free within the United States.

This Book can be obtained at: http://www.exposingdeceptions.org
Have a Nice and Blessed Day.


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