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GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME TABLE SCRAPS EmptySun 29 Aug 2021, 22:15 by Jude


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Post  Guest Mon 26 Aug 2013, 16:00

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Table Scraps

August 19, 2013 - Activism, Featured, Main - Tagged: agenda 21, crony capitalism, obama, wall street, welfare state

I would like to believe that if I were to ever to decide to sell my pride, my integrity and my future, that it would come at a steep price and not for table scraps. Unfortunately, half of the working population in America is allowing itself to be destroyed for mere table scraps that are being handed down by the elite.

Iwelfare 1ndeed, America is being destroyed from within and the destruction is going according to plan. There are more Americans dependent on the federal government than ever before in our country’s history and the net result spells disaster because these rates are unsustainable.

Not only do Americans no longer make anything, over half of all work-eligible Americans no longer work. The number of Americans receiving food assistance has surpassed the number of full-time private sector workers in the United States. There are 97 million full-time workers in the U.S. and a mind-boggling 101 million American receive food benefits and a record 47 million Americans participated in food stamps. The Food Stamps program has a monthly average of 46.7 million participants, or 22.5 million households. Food stamps alone had a budget of $88.6 billion in FY 2012.The USDA describes Food Stamps as the “largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.”

The USDA also offers nutrition assistance for pregnant women, school children and seniors.The National School Lunch program provides 32 million students with low-cost or no-cost meals daily; 10.6 million participate in the School Breakfast Program; and 9 million receive benefits from the Woman, Infants and Children program each month, the latter designed for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women and children younger than five years old. Over 3 million children at day care centers receive snacks through the Child and Adult Care Food Program. There’s also a Special Milk Program for schools and a Summer Food Service Program, through which 2.3 million children received aid in July 2011 during summer vacation. And there are dozens of other programs that you and I are paying for.

But wait, it gets worse as the Department of Agriculture estimates that the 101,000,000 on welfare currently participate in at least one of the 15 separate food programs offered by the USDA. The USDA estimates the cost of these food programs to exceed at least $114 billion in fiscal year 2012.

The population of the U.S. is 315 million people. This means nearly a third of every man, woman and child in the United States receives some form of food aid from the government. The USDA says the number of Americans on food stamps is a “historically high figure that has risen with the economic downturn.” It is more accurate to say that America has been economically conquered by the communists who paved the way for Obama to be put into power. More will be presented on that in part two of this series.
The Net Effect of the Welfare State

The net effect of this massive welfare state is obvious. First, these people pay no tax, contribute nothing of value to society and constitute an extreme burden to the prosperity and potential of the country. This burden is exacerbated by the fact the elite and their corporations pay no tax.

Some people understandably need to be on public assistance, but many do not. However, when we see 5 and 6 generations of welfare recipients from the same family, something is terribly wrong. When we review some of the old footage of the reasons why people voted for Obama, they said things like they were going to pay for their bills with “Obama money”, or he gave me an “Obama phone.” Obama appeals to people and organizations who get a disproportionate share of the people’s money (e.g. bailouts) and Obama appeals to the something for nothing crowd (e.g. Obama phone recipients). Prior to the 1960′s people in distress got help from the Church, the Salvation Army, not public money. Look at how long people in this country “game” the system.

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

Time on AFDC

Percent of Recipients

Less than 7 months


7 to 12 months


1 to 2 years


2 to 5 years


Over 5 years


Nearly half of all welfare recipients in this program are receiving taxpayer money for two years or longer. This is outrageous! Is the government seriously telling us that people cannot find a job in 1, 2 or 5 years or more?

If someone is unemployed for more than two years, it is time to find any job that the welfare recipient can perform, even if that means shoveling excrement in a sinkhole in Louisiana. Society does not owe any able-bodied person a living.

I am sick of working my rear end off so half the country does not have to work. I am weary of paying massive taxes so Wall Street can realize more profits. And it is all part of the plan. If the government can control the resources of half the country, then they control half the country by default.

Many of these people on welfare are capable of working. While receiving welfare payments, all able-bodied people should be made to sweep the streets and pick up dog feces in the park in order to get a share of what you and I earn. Instead, we get far too many bums who play the system, generation after generation.

I know, I know, here come the allegations of racism. Whenever the underclass is busted for their slovenly ways, the race card gets played. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not about race. The following chart breaks down the racial composition of welfare recipients. You race card players might be surprised at the demographic breakdown.

Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white

38.8 %

Percent of recipients who are black

39.8 %

Percent of recipients who are Hispanic

15.7 %

Percent of recipients who are Asian

2.4 %

Percent of recipients who are Other

3.3 %

Whites and blacks are equally partaking in the welfare system, so please spare me the racism comments. Ineptitude, laziness and gamesmanship runs equally through all types of human beings.

Personal Dignity Sold for Table Scraps

Where is the pride in one’s own accomplishments? Where has the satisfaction gone which was once associated with building a life that has meaning rather than being a blood sucker that lives off the efforts of others?

Obama is winning in creating a passive America in which criminal regimes like his can thrive and I am sick of it. Half of the working population in this country on some form of welfare? Really? And people are seriously defending this lunacy?

When somebody is paying your bills for weeks, then it turns into months, followed by years and then generations, that person/family is robbed of all their pride and self-respect. Just remember, when someone else is supporting you day after day and year after year, that someone owns you. And spare me the nonsense that I am being heartless towards the elderly and handicapped. Nobody is arguing that the elderly and handicapped do not deserve our help, they do. However, half of the country is not handicapped or elderly. And if half of the country is legitimately out of work with no options, then this country needs to begin a revolution against the establishment, yesterday!

Please tell me why should I fund an Obama phone, while that same able bodied person is allowed to sit on their butt? All the able-bodied people need to be required to do public work projects before getting a dime of my money and they should be drug tested prior to the application process. If we were to do these things, just watch the unemployment and welfare rates dramatically decrease. But to the majority of the Obama supporters, work is a four letter word.


What does not surprise me is that so many sold out to the globalists. What does surprise me is how cheaply they were bought and paid for.

Obama and his minions are laughing at us. They know that government-dependent people will vote to take our guns away, accept carbon taxes and passively accept the death panels of Obamacare. They know that these ignorant people will never challenge the dumbing down of our American education system. Obama knows that the helpless in this country will never rise up against the establishment in anger. And finally, Obama knows that he was the right man at the right time who was brought forth to destroy this country once and for all. Everything is going according to plan as half of us are selling our futures for table scraps.

Obama is a just a sock puppet. Part two will cover who is behind the planned destruction of the United States through the building up the welfare state and then collapsing it.
22 thoughts on “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Table Scraps”

L Cross August 19, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Unfortunately for our country, our future, and our working selves – you are absolutely correct.
r August 20, 2013 at 12:38 am

Had these same retarded idiots voted in Ross Perot back in 1992/1996 then they would have relatively good jobs/families that were eventually lost to Mexico/China during the days of ‘The great sucking sound’. o_0
Randy August 20, 2013 at 3:56 am

Dave, like I mentioned on another one of your articles, I’m a letter carrier for the postal service and I’ve seen the amount of people who have run out of unemployment benefits apply for disability. Most of these people are able body people who CAN work, but have chosen to sell out. I too am sick of paying for everyone on top of constantly hearing, “is my check in today?!”. I’d like a damn thank you for my money going to them. I also live pay check to pay check only to hear a day or two before they come out, “where’s my check?!”. Wtf! I agree that there are people who honestly need that money and programs, but they’re far and few. All I know for sure is that the lazy people who are scamming the system are in control of elite! They have no clue and think they’re getting away with something. Those people will get an eye opening very shortly when the system is cut off from them and they will do whatever the gooberment wants. They’ve sold their souls for a few bucks….

EDITOR’S NOTE: You have successfully identified those who are stealing from the rest of us. Good post!
Ovidiu Valentin August 20, 2013 at 4:14 am

That is a good analysis of the cruel reality of today’s Americans. But it is a misunderstanding from the author of the article, regarding the true nature and purpose of the massive food-aid established. It is, in my view, a mistake to assume that all this millions of Americans do not want to work. The percentage it is just too high. In reality there are not enough jobs. This is true for the unemployment rate as well. For example when you do have an unemployment rate of about 5% this is called natural, some people are just lazy and do not want to go to work. But when you have a constant 25-40% unemployment rate, this undoubtedly its caused by the system. It must be something that goes seriously wrong with the system to obtain this “performance”. Same goes for the food aid.
The massive food aid is allowed primarily because of two things:
1. To hide the total economic and social failure of the state.
2. To keep the population in homes. In history the single most important event that generates Revolutions it’s in very tight relation with the access to food. This is just as true for the recent ongoing Egypt Revolution as for the upraising of French Revolution more then 220 years ago. Undoubtedly, the access to food is the prime cause for al major revolutions across the world in any time or country. It is only when the ratio of risks vs. benefits will incline toward risks is when people overthrown governs and political systems.
Once the aid-food system will stop, then the real party begins. And to this party everybody must come heavily armed. With millions of bullets, and thousands of military armed vehicles. Yes, sir! The party will begin. And it will be big!
But I am pretty sure that, despite the government power displayed for intimidation in the mainstream media, they already lost. I’m also sure that they will not just go quietly into the darkness of history.
This is because we have a situation unlike anything in the recorded history: the public awareness about what politics and money is really all about. Even Zbigniew Brzezinski admits that as a very dangerous variable for the elites.
The vast number of peoples that are situational aware about politics and about what money really are it is just incredible. I travel a lot around the world and talk with many peoples, regular peoples, from airports or in cabs and hotels and basically more then 50% know about these things. The awareness, even in the regular military personnel and the police, it is again huge. The attempt of coup of a few American generals against Obama, should tell us a lot. Also the stationary Russian force on the US soil should tell us a lot about the degree of desperation inside this so called “elite”.
The problem consists in the very enormity of the problem itself: when confronted with the reality of money, human mind it is overwhelmed with the nature of fraud. People tend to behave just like a deer into the lights. But this thing can only go for so long.
I do understand Mr. Hodges impatience regarding the necessary actions and that it appears to him that many Americans are just too stupid to realize what happens. For many this is true, of course. But make no mistake that behind him and many other independent and honest alternative media journalists and truth seekers a large and quiet army it’s slowly gathered. And when the tipping point will occur, he will be amazed about how many will be on his side.
As for the govt and the bankers they behave just like wounded animals: they will bite till the very end. And they will lose.
Their desperate actions are almost completely transparent. The desperation it is at all time high. That’s why they must stole from ordinary tax payers, honest peoples like Mr. Hodges, in order to give food stamps (or better said to hide the total and complete failure of their politics) to millions others. From where do you want to take the money? From the WS bankers and corporations? Meaning, from them? Of course not. This is nothing new. It’s always happened across history over and over again. But this time I think the end result for the ruling class will be very, very different.
They desperately need a false flag event in what they believe to be their salvation and creation of a NOW with them on top. In my opinion, this false flag event can only consist in detonation of a small “dirty” nuclear device in or near a major US city with the deaths of 30000 to 50000 US expendable citizens, aka collateral victims. But somehow I think that there are some patriot generals that will oppose to such a situation and will decide to defend their country and the innocent lives of their countryman.


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